Care Workforce Wellbeing Project

We really want to hear from front line staff about their experiences. There are different ways to be involved with this project and they are below.

Healthwatch Kingston in partnership with Kingston Council are doing research on the issues the care workforce have been facing over the last year (2021/2022).

Ways to get involved

As a carer working in Kingston, how have the challenges in the past couple of years affected your work? Have you been impacted by the cost of living crisis? Has the pandemic and other challenges impacted your mental health? If you needed support, would you know where to go? Please tell us your experience. 

There are several ways to make your voice heard. 

You can take a survey, speak to us over the phone, or attend one of our drop in sessions.

Find out more

What we have heard so far

Mental Health
22% of staff do not know where to go if struggling with their mental health

What would improve morale?
''How about an activity that staff and those we support can do together''

81% of staff have not seen discrimination at work. Those that did said it was because of age, race and gender

Cost of living
"Carers are now more selective about where they will travel to work''
''I believe carers salaries should be raised to meet their needs''