Kingston Council's Draft Suicide Prevention Strategy

Suicide is always a devastating event, both for the person who takes their own life and for their family and friends. Many others involved in providing support and care, as well as witnesses, first responders and beyond will feel the impact.

Kingston’s last Suicide Prevention strategy was published in 2016 and expires in March 2024. There is also now a new national strategy ‘Suicide prevention in England: 5-year cross-sector strategy’ which was published on 11 Sept 2023. 

Suicide, self harm and mental health are all highly sensitive subjects. Over the last year Kingston Council has been refreshing its Suicide Prevention Strategy. We have conducted a highly targeted consultation with stakeholders and organistions working with at risk groups in Kingston including, but not limited to, Kingston Samaritans, South West London & St George’s Mental health Trust, Kingston Hospital and Achieving for Children. 

Working with partners, we now have a draft Suicide Prevention Strategy for 2024 - 2029 and would like to hear your comments and feedback on this strategy.

All of the comments will be analysed and used to create the final strategy for Kingston. This will be presented to Kingston partnership board in Spring 2024. 

An annual action plan will then be produced which provides details of the action each organisation will take to achieve these priorities. This action plan will be monitored by Kingston’s Multi Agency Suicide Prevention steering group and an annual report will be produced for Kingston partnership board.

If you have any questions, or need any of the information in a different format, please get in touch with us via phone: 020 8547 5000, or email

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