Healthwatch Kingston Board Meeting - Wednesday 11 January 2023, 5pm to 6.15pm

The public is welcome to join PART A of this meeting.

PART A Agenda

The public is welcome to join PART A of this meeting.

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence/Declarations of interest (10 min)
  2. PART A Minutes from 28 September 22 for approval (5 min)
  3. Q3 Chair’s Report - Oct-Dec 22 (15 min)
  4. Q3 Finance Report - Oct-Dec 22 (15 min)
  5. Q3 Activity Report - Oct-Dec 22 (15 min)
  6. AOB (10 min)
  7. Next meeting date, times:

    Wed 22 Mar 2023 F2F tbc., location tbc., 5pm to 8pm

Join the meeting


PART A and B Agenda_HWK Board Meeting_Wednesday 11 Jan 2023

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