Young People’s Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Crisis Report

This report was written by Healthwatch Kingston and Richmond in collaboration with Youth Out Loud! (YOL!), a group of young people aged 13-17.

364 young people shared their experiences with us through an online survey, with some interesting results. 

Our resulting report covers the mental health, physical exercise and health and the availability of online support and information provisions concerning the young people of Kingston and Richmond.

Overall, the majority of young people reported improved or stable mental health during
lockdown. Those aged 15 and 17 experienced worse mental health with the most common reasons for this being not seeing friends and loved ones, increase in school stressors and “time to think”.

“I used to be distracted by going out all the time and hanging out with friends so I could avoid my eating problems but now I can't”

Physical exercise was a key factor in maintaining good physical health; most of those who didn’t or couldn’t pursue it reported worse or much worse physical health.

“before lockdown I'd walk 2 miles to school every day and once a week go swimming, but I don't do very much of this now”

Whilst most people found that healthcare were largely unchanged during the lockdown, young people with health conditions and/or disabilities were disproportionately impacted and said that the service they received was worse.

“Had a phone call doctors appointment but I've still got the same problem but it needs to be actually looked at in person so I can't really do much.”

Download the full report

Young People's Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Crisis Report

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