The London Safeguarding Adult Board Conference 2023 - Recordings and Presentation Slides

The London Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) Conference, organised by the London Safeguarding Adults Board, took place during National Adult Safeguarding Awareness Week (November 2023), which focused on how to prioritise the welfare and wellbeing of yourself and others.

What’s My Role in Safeguarding Adults?

Speakers: Martin Corbett, Liz Symmonds (MET Inspector), Angela Hancock (LSV member)

The session gathered diverse sectors to think about the individual and collective responsibilities in adult safeguarding. The discussion acknowledged the universal relevance of safeguarding and advocated for a widespread commitment among professionals, volunteers, and the community. 

Organisations Working Together: Community Safety

Speakers: Dr Adi Cooper OBE, Independent Chair, City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board and Fiona Bateman, Vice Chair of the London Safeguarding Adults Board and Independent Chair of Barnet, Islington and Sutton Safeguarding Adults Boards.   

Exploring the collective responsibility in safeguarding adults, this session delved into the synergies between various organisations and the pivotal role of Community Safety. Attendees gained insights into collaborative methods effective in prevention and response, focusing on the shared goal of ensuring adult safety within community spaces.

Watch the video recording of this session

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Adi Cooper - Antisocial Behaviour and Safeguarding
Fiona Bateman - Preventing and Responding to Abuse - Community Safety Focus

Main London Safeguarding Adults Conference Day

Presentation 1: Safe Organisations and Cultures

Speakers: Hayley Moore, Deputy Director Safeguarding & Closed Cultures, Care Quality Commission  and  Hannah Leask, Senior Commissioner from London borough of Newham.

We explored the foundation of establishing safe organisational cultures. Emphasising the importance of fostering environments where concerns are openly addressed and continuous learning is encouraged, we delved into how organisations can champion values that prioritise well-being and constructive change.

Presentation 2: Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) – how do we get this right, what does excellent look like?

Speakers: Stephen Bitti, Chief Executive Officer, Healthwatch Kingston and Ruth Shill, Advanced Practitioner Social Worker, London borough of Hillingdon

The 'Making Safeguarding Personal' session focused on setting standards in safeguarding practices, examined through both resident and professional lenses. Using concrete examples like the HW Kingston MSP pilot and initiatives from Hillingdon's Safeguarding Partnership provided opportunities to identify effective strategies and areas for improvement.

Presentation 3: Co-production discussion with a spotlight on community engagement in the bi-borough.

Speakers: Trish McMahon, Manager of the Safeguarding Adults Executive Board from the Bi-borough and Louise Butler, Head of Service for Safeguarding Adults Quality Assurance and Engagement. Trish and Louise were also joined by two of their Safeguarding Ambassadors, Mariya and Elaina.

The presentation explored the essentials of co-production, sharing insights of both its successes and challenges.

Watch the video recording of the main London Safeguarding Adults Conference

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Hayley Moore - Safe Organisations and Cultures
Hannah Leask - Newham's Provider Quality Handbook
Stephen Bitti - Making Safeguarding Personal Part 1 (Healthwatch Kingston)
Ruth Shill - Making Safeguarding Personal Part 2 (Hillingdon)
Trish McMahon - A spotlight on Community Engagement and Coproduction in the Bi-borough

Adopting a Trauma-Informed Approach to Safeguarding Adults

Speakers: Trish Stewart, Associate Director of Safeguarding & Children's Public Health Nursing, Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust

This session emphasised the importance of a trauma-informed approach in safeguarding adults, highlighting its significance for well-being. It stresses the need for practitioners to understand personal histories and maintain professional boundaries, addressing the reality of vicarious trauma. Additionally, the session offered practical tools for organisations to effectively implement trauma-informed practices, benefiting staff, volunteers, and the individuals they assist.

Watch the video recording of this session

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Trish Stewart - Adopting A Trauma Informed Approach to Safeguarding Adults

Learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs): Mental Capacity Act, Creativity, SAR Library, Improvements, Mental Health

Speakers: Michael Preston-Shoot, Professor (Emeritus) Social Work at the University of Bedfordshire, England

In this session, we highlighted key learnings from Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs), discussed the role of the SAR library, and touched on crucial mental health insights. The aim was to foster improved safeguarding practices through shared knowledge and experiences.

Watch the video recording of this session


Michael Preston - Shoot - Learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs)