1. Report -

    We are proud to share with you all we have been working on, over the past year (31 March 2019 - 1 April 2020)
  2. Report -

    Presentations and documents shared at our last open meeting
  3. Report -

    The CQC have carried out a review in response to serious concerns about potential breaches of human rights due to the use of restraint, seclusion and segregation in care settings for people who, in some cases, cannot advocate for themselves.
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    Working closely with Kingston’s diverse communities: listening to people and gathering and reporting their experiences of health and social care services.
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    A number of NHS trade unions in England have balloted their NHS members to take part in industrial action.
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    Kingston Council (RBK) Safeguarding Adults Board invited partner organisations in Kingston to join together and sign a pledge to uphold adult safeguarding responsibilities. Healthwatch Kingston are delighted to share our dedication to the pledge.
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    The London Assembly Health Committee has written to the London Ambulance Service (LAS) with 5 recommendations to help the development of its new organisational strategy for 2023-28.
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    The Kingston Carers All Age Strategy sets out our renewed vision and strategic priorities to support carers.
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    The Kingston Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) seeks to identify the current and future health and care needs of local populations to inform the planning of services within Kingston.
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    We were joined by Sarah Ireland, RBK Interim Chief Executive and a number of representatives from different services provided updates on the progress of their Healthwatch Kingston recommendations.
  11. Report -

    NHS and social care services only make the best decisions if they listen to the people they care for. Read Healthwatch England's Annual Report to Parliament to see how your feedback has helped decision-makers prioritise what matters most.
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    Community Voices Kingston aims to bring together local communities in Kingston and the groups and organisations supporting them.
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    The LSV wants to bring together people with lived experience of Safeguarding from each London borough. Healthwatch Kingston has been re-commissioned by the London Safeguarding Adults Board to coordinate the LSV work programme.
  14. Report -

    Inclusion and amplifying the voices of people with a learning disability is a key priority for the work of Healthwatch Kingston.
  15. Report -

    Mental health continues to be of significant concern locally, with people seeking information and requesting help to access support.
  16. Report -

    Towards the end of 2021, in response to some concerns raised about the treatment of frontline staff in the care sector in Kingston, the Royal Borough of Kingston (RBK) Quality Assurance Team ran a wellbeing survey for care workers.
  17. Report -

  18. News -

    Pride Season celebrates LGBTQ+ people in all their diversity, raises awareness, and combats prejudice with education.
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    Today- the 22nd June 2023- marks 75 years since the arrival of HMT Empire Windrush in Britain. Now 75 years later, this milestone in national history is celebrated as a symbol of the multi-ethnic society and culture in Britain today.
  20. Report -

    Healthwatch Kingston is delighted to share our Annual Report 2022-23 - Together we're making health and social care better.
  21. News -

    How do we include the digitally excluded?
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    5 July 2023 marks 75 years of the National Health Service.
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    We had a great turn-out with 26 people attending yesterday's Healthwatch Kingston Open Meeting. The focus was on NHS dentistry services. We also heard more about Personalised Care and were joined by Kingston Community Voices.
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    The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) launched a call for evidence in March 2021 to inform the first-ever government-led Women’s Health Strategy for England.
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    A UK Parliament Inquiry into men’s health will explore a range of issues relating to male health outcomes. Life expectancy for men is consistently lower than for women and fell in 2020.
  26. Advice and Information -

    Long COVID means your symptoms carry on for over 4 weeks after your COVID infection and you might even have new health problems.
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    Kingston Eco-Op are proud to launch The Larch - a social club for adults with autism, every Wednesday 6-9pm.
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    Healthwatch England research published in Observer article showing the obstacles and delays facing people when they are trying to get referrals for cancer diagnosis and treatment.
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    The NHS in South West London has launched a new Mental Health Strategy setting out the ways it will improve and support the mental health of local people over the next five years.
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    NHS England would like to invite you to become involved in helping us to develop the future of the Breast Screening service in London, Hertsmere, Watford and Three Rivers
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    Healthwatch Kingston is the independent champion for people who use health and social care services. As a team of staff and volunteers, we are here to make sure that those running services, put people at the heart of care.
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    The third and final opportunity to apply for the Kingston Community Resilience Fund, opens on 3rd Jan 2024. The fund aims to support voluntary, cultural and community groups to survive the cost of living crisis themselves, strengthening our communities and enabling them to thrive.