1. Report -

    Healthwatch Kingston (HWK) and Kingston Voluntary Action (KVA) were commissioned by South West London Clinical Commissioning Group to undertake some research into people’s experiences of bereavement services in Kingston.
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    Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of people have shared their experiences of healthcare information and communication with us. We take an in-depth look at the impact of not being given information in the way you need had on you.
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    The health and care plan outlines how we will help the people of Kingston start well, live well and age well.
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    The public is welcome to join PART A of this meeting.
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    The public is welcome to join PART A of this meeting.
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    Along with other local Healthwatch across London, Healthwatch Kingston were invited by the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust as part of a pan-London consultation to inform a refreshed London Ambulance Service strategy for the next five years.
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    The Kingston Carers All Age Strategy sets out our renewed vision and strategic priorities to support carers.
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    NHS and social care services only make the best decisions if they listen to the people they care for. Read Healthwatch England's Annual Report to Parliament to see how your feedback has helped decision-makers prioritise what matters most.
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    At the Kingston Methodist Church, Fairfield South, Kingston, Surrey, KT1 2UL.
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    Youth Out Loud! (YOL!), is a group of young people aged 13-17 from Kingston and Richmond helping to improve health and social care services and promote the wellbeing of young people.
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    The LSV wants to bring together people with lived experience of Safeguarding from each London borough. Healthwatch Kingston has been re-commissioned by the London Safeguarding Adults Board to coordinate the LSV work programme.
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    Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) puts the person who is the focus of a concern at the centre during a safeguarding enquiry - from the beginning to the end.
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    Inclusion and amplifying the voices of people with a learning disability is a key priority for the work of Healthwatch Kingston.
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    Mental health continues to be of significant concern locally, with people seeking information and requesting help to access support.
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    Towards the end of 2021, in response to some concerns raised about the treatment of frontline staff in the care sector in Kingston, the Royal Borough of Kingston (RBK) Quality Assurance Team ran a wellbeing survey for care workers.
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    Since April 2021, Healthwatch Kingston has been running its ‘Pulse Check’ community engagement programme to work more closely with people living with long-term conditions in Kingston and listen to their views and experiences of health and social care services.
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    RBK's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2022 covers all aspects of mental health in Kingston
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    Healthwatch Kingston is delighted to share our Annual Report 2022-23 - Together we're making health and social care better.
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    This meeting will take place online via Teams
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    The public is welcome to join PART A of this meeting.
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    The public is welcome to join PART A of this meeting.
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    The public is welcome to join PART A of this meeting.

    This meeting will be held face-to-face at:

    Canbury Works, Unit 6-7, Canbury Business Park, Elm Crescent, Kingston, KT2 6HJ
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    What should people expect when it comes to raising concerns and complaints about health and social care? Our new report explains.
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    The JSNA is a comprehensive picture of information and data of the health, care, and wellbeing needs and inequalities of Kingston (now and in the future) in order to improve and protect health and wellbeing outcomes.
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    Healthwatch England's report, "Pharmacy: what people want", explores the current state of pharmacy services and offers actions for healthcare leaders and the wider sector.
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    Healthwatch Kingston participated in nine outreach visits between 4 November 2016 and 20 January 2017.
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    Healthwatch Kingston's Annual Report for 2016/2017.