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    Time to Change Kingston is a social movement aiming to change the way people think and act about mental health in Kingston, reducing the stigma and discrimination that so many still face.
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    Meeting slides and notes
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    In March 2018, Healthwatch Kingston was invited by the chair of the Kingston Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) to consider the development of a Community Reference Group (CRG).
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    The Kingston Living Library is a safe community space where members of the public can speak to any person with lived experiences of mental health issues to improve their understanding. For Mental Health Awareness Week, given the circumstances, our Champions have decided to create this online space to share their stories virtually.
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    During these unprecedented times, we are very conscious of the impact that COVID-19 and the restrictions will have on the mental health of the population. The Time to Change Champions have put together these lockdown tips based on their personal experiences.
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    We are looking for Time to Change Kingston Champions to share tips and suggestions that may help someone who is currently struggling whilst in lockdown.
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    Latest news, updates, advice and information
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