1. News -

    HIV now infects more heterosexual people than gay or bisexual men.
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    Between July and September 2021, Healthwatch Kingston undertook a community engagement project to gather the views of residents who were experiencing a complexity of symptoms associated with Long Covid. This is our report.
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    Clear, understandable information is important to help you make the right health and care decisions. Healthwatch England is working with Healthwatch Kingston to help you have your say on what needs to change.
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    This report is a snapshot of the work achieved by partners and people with a learning disability, their families, carers and advocates during 2021.
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    The public is welcome to join PART A of this meeting via the Zoom Meeting link, ID and Password below.
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    Youth Out Loud! are a group of people aged 13-17 working with Healthwatch Kingston and Healthwatch Richmond.
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    The LSVG will bring together three people with lived experience of Safeguarding from each London borough. Healthwatch Kingston has been commissioned by the London Safeguarding Adults Board to coordinate the LSVG work programme.
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    The King's Fund have shared a useful video about how the NHS is changing and preparing for the future.
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    The NHS remains open and here for local people who need urgent care and support over the Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend.
  10. Advice and Information -

    Advice and information about myalgic encephalopathy (M.E) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyaliga (Fibro) services in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames.
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    On Saturday 10 September, Kingston Hospital Charity will be holding its first memory walk.
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    Primary care networks (PCNs) are groups of GP practices working closely together with other primary and community care staff and health and care organisations to provide integrated services to their local populations.
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    Youth Out Loud! have completed their third film as part of the Digital Youth Project - with a focus on Sexual Health
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    "Arguably the biggest issue the UK is facing now is obesity - the silent pandemic. It is reported that over 60% of UK adults are overweight or obese." - NHS Digital
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    Most of us welcome hot weather, but when it's too hot for too long, there are health risks. 
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    Citizens Advice Kingston service is delivered online via www.citizensadvicekingston.org.uk and by telephone (020 3166 0953)
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    One of our Healthwatch Kingston volunteers invites you to join Square 1 Cafes in New Malden and Chessington. They are for social recovery from Covid-19 and life generally - a safe, inclusive space, where everyone is welcome, and everything is free.
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    As the cost of living crisis deepens, Citizens Advice have released a toolkit to help Kingston residents.
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    At our Open Meeting held on 24 May 2022, we invited speakers from the NHS to come and update us on the latest ICS plans. We can now share responses from our NHS colleagues to the questions asked at that meeting.
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    We held an Open Meeting on Tuesday, 4 October, where we had speakers coming to talk about the cost of living crisis, the Health and Care Plan, and Obesity.
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    If you missed our Q&A with the London Ambulance Service last week, now is your chance to catch-up!
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    Alzheimer's Society are running drop-in sessions for Dementia Support at Kingston Libraries.
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    Healthwatch England's response to the government's plan to help recover urgent and emergency care services, reduce waiting times, and improve patient experience.
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    Along with other local Healthwatch across London, Healthwatch Kingston were invited by the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust as part of a pan-London consultation to inform a refreshed London Ambulance Service strategy for the next five years.
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    Healthwatch Kingston supports LGBT+ History Month which celebrates LGBTQ+ people in all their diversity, raises awareness and combats prejudice with education.
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    We were joined by Sarah Ireland, RBK Interim Chief Executive and a number of representatives from different services provided updates on the progress of their Healthwatch Kingston recommendations.
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    – for those working in the voluntary sector, primary care and adult social care in Kingston and Richmond.
  28. Report -

    Youth Out Loud! (YOL!), is a group of young people aged 13-17 from Kingston and Richmond helping to improve health and social care services and promote the wellbeing of young people.
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  30. Report -

    Since April 2021, Healthwatch Kingston has been running its ‘Pulse Check’ community engagement programme to work more closely with people living with long-term conditions in Kingston and listen to their views and experiences of health and social care services.
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    How do we include the digitally excluded?
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    5 July 2023 marks 75 years of the National Health Service.
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    We had a great turn-out with 26 people attending yesterday's Healthwatch Kingston Open Meeting. The focus was on NHS dentistry services. We also heard more about Personalised Care and were joined by Kingston Community Voices.
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    The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) launched a call for evidence in March 2021 to inform the first-ever government-led Women’s Health Strategy for England.
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    A UK Parliament Inquiry into men’s health will explore a range of issues relating to male health outcomes. Life expectancy for men is consistently lower than for women and fell in 2020.
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    The CPR Community Network wants to ensure that no one dies through lack of Emergency First Aid provision or resources, in their local area and in their community.
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    National GP patient survey sees a further fall in satisfaction, especially regarding making appointments. Read Healthwatch England's response.
  38. Advice and Information -

    Long COVID means your symptoms carry on for over 4 weeks after your COVID infection and you might even have new health problems.
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    Kingston Eco-Op are proud to launch The Larch - a social club for adults with autism, every Wednesday 6-9pm.
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    Healthwatch England research published in Observer article showing the obstacles and delays facing people when they are trying to get referrals for cancer diagnosis and treatment.
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    Your thoughts about the MMR vaccine and your reasons for not vaccinating your child are essential to us. Together, we can ensure all parents have the right information to make informed decisions about their children.
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    With consultants set to strike on the two days leading up to a bank holiday weekend, the local NHS is calling on south west Londoners to be prepared.
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    NHS South West London Cancer Alliance are looking for your help to design the future south west London lay representative roles.
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    NHS England would like to invite you to become involved in helping us to develop the future of the Breast Screening service in London, Hertsmere, Watford and Three Rivers
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    Kingston Hospital are looking for Community Rehabilitation Volunteers to work 2-3 hours per week.
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    Nominations for this election are now open.
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    Our team took part in 'A night to remember' charity walk for Kingston Hospital on Saturday, 9 September.
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    Healthwatch England research shows worryingly low public confidence in being able to access NHS services. A third of adults in England lack confidence that they can access timely care, including GP services, mental health support and hospital care.
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    Our Open Meeting held yesterday had a Primary Care focus.
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    Stoptober has begun but it’s not too late to join the thousands of smokers quitting this October.